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更新時間:2024-4-10 20:18:25    來源:河南日報

大河網訊 始祖黃帝,肇造文明,奠定了中華民族的文脈起點。“黃帝者,少典之子,姓公孫,名曰軒轅。”2000多年前,史學家司馬遷撰寫了歷史巨著《史記》,第一篇《五帝本紀》首先講述的就是黃帝的故事。

The ancestor Yellow Emperor established Chinese civilization and laid the foundation for the cultural heritage of the Chinese nation. “The Yellow Emperor, son of Shaodian, surname Gongsun, named Xuanyuan.” Over 2000 years ago, the historiographer Sima Qian wrote the historical masterpiece Records of the Grand Historian, in which the first chapter The Annals of the Five Emperors tells first the story of the Yellow Emperor.


Did you know that the Yellow Emperor was an "inventive genius"? The inventions guided by him or born under his guidance encompassed all aspects of clothing, food, housing, transportation, military affairs, and agriculture.


Books such as Records of the Grand Historian: The Annals of the Five Emperors and Chronicles of the Emperors record the achievements of the Yellow Emperor. He unified ancient China, became the founding ruler, established the country, divided the entire nation into nine provinces, appointed officials, established laws, and managed state affairs; he also made boats and vehicles, built palaces, established calendrical systems, and created writing, accelerating the civilization process of the Chinese nation.


On the eve of the Yellow Emperor Worship Ceremony in the Jiachen Year, the Convergence Media Center of Henan Provincial Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, Henan International Communication Centerand Dahe Network Media Group, together with the global artificial intelligence enterprise APUS, jointly launched the special program "Yellow Emperor in AI's Depiction", allowing us to collectively walk into the origin of Chinese civilization and perceive the spirit of creation that continues to evolve.

策劃/執行:田凱中 劉楊 李彤 魏蔚

后期包裝:范昭 馬紹坤

視覺效果:石金紅 韓雨松

雙語校對:趙漢青 楊佳欣 張慶彬

AI支持:王旭 劉瑩 肖雅楠 周云峰 金萌 蔡宏杰



2024-4-10 20:18:25    來源:河南日報

大河網訊 始祖黃帝,肇造文明,奠定了中華民族的文脈起點。“黃帝者,少典之子,姓公孫,名曰軒轅。”2000多年前,史學家司馬遷撰寫了歷史巨著《史記》,第一篇《五帝本紀》首先講述的就是黃帝的故事。

The ancestor Yellow Emperor established Chinese civilization and laid the foundation for the cultural heritage of the Chinese nation. “The Yellow Emperor, son of Shaodian, surname Gongsun, named Xuanyuan.” Over 2000 years ago, the historiographer Sima Qian wrote the historical masterpiece Records of the Grand Historian, in which the first chapter The Annals of the Five Emperors tells first the story of the Yellow Emperor.


Did you know that the Yellow Emperor was an "inventive genius"? The inventions guided by him or born under his guidance encompassed all aspects of clothing, food, housing, transportation, military affairs, and agriculture.


Books such as Records of the Grand Historian: The Annals of the Five Emperors and Chronicles of the Emperors record the achievements of the Yellow Emperor. He unified ancient China, became the founding ruler, established the country, divided the entire nation into nine provinces, appointed officials, established laws, and managed state affairs; he also made boats and vehicles, built palaces, established calendrical systems, and created writing, accelerating the civilization process of the Chinese nation.


On the eve of the Yellow Emperor Worship Ceremony in the Jiachen Year, the Convergence Media Center of Henan Provincial Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, Henan International Communication Centerand Dahe Network Media Group, together with the global artificial intelligence enterprise APUS, jointly launched the special program "Yellow Emperor in AI's Depiction", allowing us to collectively walk into the origin of Chinese civilization and perceive the spirit of creation that continues to evolve.

策劃/執行:田凱中 劉楊 李彤 魏蔚

后期包裝:范昭 馬紹坤

視覺效果:石金紅 韓雨松

雙語校對:趙漢青 楊佳欣 張慶彬

AI支持:王旭 劉瑩 肖雅楠 周云峰 金萌 蔡宏杰


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